Friday, August 16, 2019

Episode 23: Dungeons and Dragons Adventure

Ep 23: Dungeons and Dragons Adventure
Topic: Dungeons and Dragons Adventure

This week, we have our long awaited Dungeons and Dragons Adventure with both my Mom and Little Brother.  We describe some of the rules along the way, but obviously it's a bit complicated for those that don't quite understand everything about the game.  I think we had a lot of fun, but you get to be the judge of that.


Mom and John are a part of a local traveling caravan.  They are fairly popular and the caravan always makes a lot of money and throws great village/town parties.

Sapphire Review has seen a mother and son duo to check out the next town over to see if there is money to be made.  They’ve come across a town where the people itself seem quite out of money though. People seems to giving all their money to the local Noble, who is taxing the town far too much.  Without money, the people can’t pay the caravan, and the caravan can’t really move on until it makes atleast some money to pay for lodgings, food, and their own profit of their benefactor.

Get rid of the noble so that the town will return to normal – Good
 Steal from the Noble in order to get some of their own money – Neutral
Kill the noble and steal all his money  - Evil

Tavern keeper
Flint Baldrek – Owner of “The Pig Whistle Tavern”
Skeptical of Tieflings, but easily persuaded

Common folks
Curious about new folk, excited about an entertainment caravan to liven up the town.

Fredric Von Kepler, Human
Pompous, rude, and lecherous.

Noble’s Wife
Amafrey Von Kepler, Human
Married for money, doesn’t exactly care about her husband.

Noble’s chief butler
Mindartis – Wood Elf, Druid
A good butler, so it would seem.

Caravan’s Benefactor
Waywocket Turen, Gnome – Operator of the “Sapphire Review” Caravan

Village town, streets appear barely there, but about dozen building make up the town, with farmers and various fields lining the distance past the trees.  While the buildings look there, they appear to have had not had upkeep in sometime, looking shambled and perhaps a bit rundown.  The tavern still appears to be doing well, if not quite as well it used to do.

Tavern – Pig Whistle Tavern

Noble’s House
A rather unnecessarily gaudy looking house made of white stone and steps, upon the tallest hill in the village.  Guards are scattered about the house, but they seem like the kind of people who you could pay off perhaps.  Red velvet is the interior, along with various animal trophies and silver furnishing. 

Gladiator Pit
Located beneath the house in an abandoned gold mine, the Main pit is about 50 feet in diameter with a skylight created by rain and time.  The pit is lined with several cages, each with eyes looking back out from them, but not quite able to be seen.  The pit has stairs leading up and out of the pit, but are locked.  A trio of balconies intended for those looking down on to the pit, with the main one having no railing, designed to push people off and in to the pit. 

John's Character

Mom's Character

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