Thursday, December 19, 2019

Episode 38: Star Wars Episode 4-6 + Rogue One Review

Topic: Star Wars Episode 4-6 + Rogue One Review

This week, we’re on to the original trilogy that started it all off.  We’re on to the original trilogy, the ones that it all off for myself and my mom.  Unlike the last ones, we both had more favorable feelings about these movies.  I can’t wait to show her the next set of movies and see her reaction to those movies, see if she likes them or not.

Rogue One
  1. Young Jyn Erso is in hiding with her parents, father who is a lead engineer on the Death Star, but the Empire comes and takes Jyn’s Father away to finish the Death Star.
  2. Years Later, Jyn is picked up by the Rebels, seeking her father who is helping build the Death Star.
  3. Cassian Andor and K-2SO take her to the planet of Jedha to find Saw Gerrera, who just so happens to have a message from her father, mentioning an exploit.  They pick up Chirrut Imwe and Baze Malbus in the process.
  4. Death Star above, led by Director Krennic, fires on the planet to test the Death Star. Grand Toff Tarkin takes over Death Star after test
  5. Rebel crew head to planet of Eadu to rescue Jyn’s Father, but fail and leave in stolen Imperial Transport ship.
  6. Director Krennic goes to Darth Vader to take command of the Death Star back, but fails and is told to clean up his mess.
  7. Rebels go to planet of Scarif to retrieve the Death Star Plans.  The Main fleet of the Rebels eventually join to help with the fight.
  8. Jyn gets the stolen plans to the rebels, but not before Vader nearly has them in his grasp. 
  9. Last scene leads directly in to Star Wars – A New Hope.

Ep 4
Star Wars – A New Hope
  1. Princess Leia is on the run from Darth Vader with plans for the Death Star.  She gives them to R2D2
  2. R2D2 escape to planet Tatooine with C3PO, but are captured and sold to Luke Skywalker
  3. Luke meets Obiwan Kenobi
  4. Luke leaves with Obiwan to give the stolen plans to the rebels, in the Millennium Falcon, Piloted by Han Solo and Chewbacca.
  5. Vader interrogates Leia on the Death Star and blow up Leia’s Planet of Alderan.
  6. Luke, Han, Obiwan, and Chewbacca arrive at Alderan and are captured by the Empire.
  7. They rescue Leia and escape the Death Star, but not before Obiwan sacrifices himself to allow them to do so.
  8. Death Star tracks the rebels to Yavin 4, and Luke agrees to fight the Empire in an X wing.
  9. Rebels are able to blow up the Death Star with Han and Chew’s help. 
  10. Big ceremony at the end.

  • Luke Skywalker originally Starkiller
  • Lucas opted for less pay on the movie in order own the merchandising rights
  • Obiwan never says, “May the Force be with You”
  • Ewan McGregor(Young Obiwan)’s uncle Was in Star wars, denis Lawson (Wedge Antillies)
Ep 5
Empire Strikes Back
  1. Rebels are in hiding on ice planet Hoth, Luke gets attacked and injured, seeing Obiwan as a ghost, but is saved by Han.
  2. Empire finds the Rebels and sends down an army to capture the Rebels. 
  3. Han, Chewbacca, and Leia are running away from the Empire, can’t go to Hyperspace because Millennium Falcon is damaged
  4. Luke go to meet Yoda so Luke can learn to be a Jedi.
  5. Han, Chewbacca, and Leia go to meet Lando Calrissian, but the crew have been sold out to Darth Vader and Bobo Fett
  6. Han is frozen in Carbonite, but Lando switches sides and helps Chewbacca and Leia escape on Millennium Falcon.
  7. Luke goes to save his friends, but fights Darth Vader.  Loses his right hand and learns that Vader is his father.
  8. Luke is saved by Millennium Falcon and they all escape.  Lando promises to find Han and Luke agrees to go and help save him.

  • Shots of Luke using the Force to retrieve his lightsaber were accomplished by Mark Hamil throwing his light saber and film being reversed.
  • Carrie Fisher stood on a box for many scene with Harrison Ford due to their height difference, Fisher at 5’1”, Ford at 6’1”
  • When Mark Hamill was having problems shooting scenes with Yoda, Frank Oz would bring out his Miss Piggy Puppet to make him laugh
  • Scene where Leia says, “I love you.” And Han says, “I know.” Was adlibbed by Harrison Ford.

Return of the Jedi
  1. Luke, Leia, Lando, and Chewbacca save Han on Tatooine.
  2. Luke learns Leia is sister, gets final training from Yoda
  3. Rebels learn of new Death Star, send Han, Luke, Leia, and Chewbacca to moon Endor to turn off shield generator so Empire can destroy new Death Star.
  4. Vader visits Death Star with Emperor to ensure the Rebels are defeated.
  5. Luke hands himself over to Darth Vader, intending on convincing his father to reform, he is brought to death Star
  6. Han, Leia, and Chewbacca go to destroy the Shield generator, helped by Ewoks.
  7. Lando leads Rebel Fleet to attack the New Death Star. They Succeed
  8. Luke and Darth Vader Fight, Luke wins, Vader kills Emperor.
  9. Vader dies, redeemed, Crew with Ewoks celebrate end of the Empire.

  • Harrison Ford only sign contract for two movies, but George Lucas convinced him to sign for a 3rd, believing that Han Solo still had more heroic stuff to do.
  • Actor Ian McDiarmid would play the Emperor, and reprise his role 15+ years later in the prequel trilogy.
  • Carrie Fisher complained that her costumes in previous movies were too long and people could not tell she was a woman.  This led to the infamous Slave costume worn during early parts of the movie.  Costume was made of metal and had shots had to be redone due to wardrobe malfunctions.
  • Mark Hamill opined that Luke should don Vader’s helmet after Vader’s death, leaving the ending of Luke character ambigious or ominous.  George Lucas disagreed and went with the happy ending.

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